TORONTO, December 22, 2020 – Hamilton Capital Partners Inc. (“Hamilton ETFs”) is pleased to announce the regular cash and estimated special distributions for its suite of financial services ETFs, all of which trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange, for the period ended December 31, 2020.

Regular cash distributions

The ex-dividend date for these distributions is anticipated to be December 30, 2020, for all unitholders of record on December 31, 2020. The distributions will be paid in cash, or if the unitholder has enrolled in the dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), reinvested in additional units of the ETF, on or about January 13, 2021.

ETF Name Ticker Symbol Regular Cash Distribution per Unit Annualized Yield (1)  Frequency
Hamilton Global Financials ETF HFG $0.125 2.68% Quarterly
Hamilton Financials Innovation ETF HFT $0.015 0.31% Quarterly
Hamilton U.S. Mid/Small-Cap Financials ETF(2) HUM $0.070 1.37% Quarterly
HUM.U $0.070 1.37% Quarterly
Hamilton Australian Bank Equal-Weight Index ETF HBA $0.260 5.40% Quarterly
Hamilton Canadian Bank Mean Reversion Index ETF HCA $0.072 4.52% Monthly
Hamilton Canadian Bank 1.25x Leverage ETF HCAL $0.087 5.67% Monthly
  1. Calculated using the December 21, 2020 net asset value per unit, which is available at
  2. Distributions for Hamilton U.S. Mid/Small-Cap Financials ETF are declared and paid in Canadian dollars, including those listed under the U.S. dollar traded ticker HUM. The approximate U.S. dollar equivalent distribution rate for HUM.U is US$0.0544 per unit. For unitholders who hold the U.S. dollar traded HUM.U, distribution payments will typically be converted to U.S. dollars by the unitholder’s account holder.

Distributions will vary from period to period.

Estimated special distributions

Hamilton ETFs also announces today the estimated special distributions to be paid to ETF unitholders for the 2020 tax year (see table below).

Please note that these are estimated amounts only. Circumstances may arise that could cause these estimates to change. A press release confirming the final special distributions will be disseminated on or about December 29, 2020.

ETF Name Ticker Symbol Estimated Special Cash Distribution per Unit Estimated

Annual Capital Gain per Unit

Hamilton Global Financials ETF HFG $0.09598 nil
Hamilton Financials Innovation ETF HFT $0.35469 nil
Hamilton U.S. Mid/Small-Cap Financials ETF HUM nil nil
HUM.U nil nil
Hamilton Australian Bank Equal-Weight Index ETF HBA nil nil
Hamilton Canadian Bank Mean Reversion Index ETF HCA $0.26779 nil
Hamilton Canadian Bank 1.25x Leverage ETF HCAL $0.31602 nil

ETFs are required to distribute any net income and capital gains earned in the year.

The ex-dividend date for the special cash distributions is anticipated to be December 30, 2020, for all unitholders of record on December 31, 2020. The distributions will be paid in cash, or if the unitholder has enrolled in the dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), reinvested in additional units of the ETF, on or about January 13, 2021.

The final annual capital gains distributions, if there are any, will not be paid in cash but will be reinvested and reported as taxable distributions, and will be used to increase each unitholder’s adjusted cost base for the respective ETF. The ex-dividend date for this distribution is anticipated to be December 30, 2020, for all unitholders of record on December 31, 2020. In early 2021, the tax characteristics of all 2020 distributions will be reported to brokers via CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc.

About Hamilton Capital Partners Inc.

Hamilton ETFs is a Canadian investment manager specializing in the global financial services sector, with a portfolio management team boasting over 60 years of combined experience. The firm’s specialized investment focus is driven by proprietary research, analysis, and analytical tools. Hamilton ETFs is also an active commentator on the global financial services sector; the firm’s most recent Insights can be found at

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